January 7th | Pastor Gino

The Apostle John never identifies himself in his gospel but five times refers to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved (ex. John 13:23). In our present day, it is sometimes assumed that John is presenting himself as one who was especially liked by the Lord. There is no doubt that John’s place among the disciples was special. He had a connection and depth of understanding that surpassed all others. This is clearly seen in the gospel he wrote which embodies the depth of Christ’s ministry and teachings.

But it’s also true that John was a tempestuous figure. He was a Jewish fisherman in the first-century under the rule of the Roman Empire. He was no stranger to a hard day’s work or the fragile and hostile culture in which he lived. The Scriptures also remind us of his spirited, if not violent, nature. At one point he is called a ‘son of thunder’ (Mark 3:17) because of his desire to call down fire upon a village of the Samaritans for rejecting Jesus. At another juncture he is found complaining that others are casting out demons in Jesus’ name (Mark 9:38). Jesus reminds him that his name is not restricted only to the Twelve. It’s interesting to note that John’s faith is such that if he had called down fire to destroy the rejectors of Jesus, he anticipated that it would have happened. Commentor Leon Morris has written of him that there is zeal and faith in John, and also a spirit of lovelessness.

So, why would John refer to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved? I believe it is because of the magnitude of the transformation that took place in John’s life. John learned many things from the Lord, but none so transformative as these great truths of the Christian faith: (1) man is a great sinner; (2) Christ is a great Savior. The reason John identifies himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved is not because of anything special he saw in himself or how wonderful he was, but because of how special and wonderful Jesus was. Not only was he astonished by the teachings, life, and love of the Lord, he found himself embodying and living in the same way (1 John 2:6) as he experienced the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This power to transform, which is embodied by Christ and received thru the gospel (Romans 1:16) is available today. It is available to all and any who would come to Christ and believe on Him. The transforming power that John experienced is available now for all those who would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; learn of Him; grow in Him; love & obey Him; and turn to Him in faith. Truly, by the power of Christ thru the good news of the gospel, even you can become a disciple whom Jesus has loved.


