Maundy Thursday

On the Thursday before Good Friday we celebrate the Last Supper with fellowship, food, and worship.

District Camp

We participate in the CVBA District Summer Camp and Winter Camp for kids and youth, having fun and glorifying God in bible study, worship, and fierce competition!

Reformation Night

Join us on October 27th to celebrate The Reformation and the nailing of the 95 Theses to the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. We play Jeopardy, concessions, and a Reader’s Theatre.

Watch previous Reader’s Theatres here.

Thanksgiving Dinner

We have a church family potluck to celebrate the season together! We enjoy food and fellowship together and thank the Almighty for his many blessings. There is also an annual trivia game with the winning team being awarded the prestigious Turkey Trophy!

Advent & Christmas Eve

During the Christmas Season we celebrate Advent and come together on December 24th to give praise for the coming of our King.